How to get a golden visa in Dubai?

Since its establishment, the UAE golden visa benefits method has created quite a stir among some groups of expatriates seeking permanent status in the UAE. The new entrance visas are going to be in place this month, but the definite application of the improvements and adjustments to the golden visa scheme will begin on October 3, 2022.

The government provides the golden visa to strengthen the UAE's status as a leading global commercial and investment center. In this way, the golden permit is a long-term resident visa that allows international talent to live, work, and study in the UAE for a period of up to ten years. As a result, this golden residence arrangement is renewable and only available to a select group of people, spanning from entrepreneurs to people with remarkable talents.

With the UAE golden visa, foreign nationals can live, work, open a business, and enroll in school without needing a local sponsor. Additionally, it permits 100% ownership of a company within the UAE for foreign investors and corporate owners. The golden visa will automatically renew after 5 to 10 years of issuance.

Who is the golden visa for?

The golden visa is for:

·       Investors.

·       Entrepreneurs.

·       exceptional talents.

·       professionals and scientists.

·       Outstanding students.

·       Humanitarian pioneers.

·       Frontline heroes.

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